Not Alone2021

Genre: Horror ,  Thriller
Duration: 85
Country: USA


Lydelle Jackson, Cezil Reed


Sarah Schroeder-Matzkin (Shelly Lawson)
Pat Healy (Walter Lawson)
Richard Lawson (Dr. James Clay)
Trevor Dolden (Tommy Lawson)
Megan Ashley Brown (Jess Lawson)
Marie Michelle Desrosiers (Ester)


An unsuspecting family buys a mansion for a bargain but discovers a presence in the home and must fight to save their lives.

Shelly Lawson and her family move into a beautiful southern estate only to discover that their new home is subject to unexplainable phenomena. After her daughter is sent to the hospital due to a mysterious sickness, Shelly decides to post an online video pleading for help. Dr. James Clay, a once acclaimed scientist, answers the plea and may be the one person who not only believes her but can help fight whatever it is that seems to possess the house. Full of unforeseen twists, this movie will keep you on the edge of your seat.

“Well directed with some nice performances. Everything looks so fresh and the screenplay is fast paced.” – World Entertainment

“’Not Alone’ is a great twist on a haunted house. It takes what we see in modern psychology about how we respond to the unknown and provides a different way in responding, based on the care and love we have for each other.” – Guild Master Gaming

“A well done thriller, with some good atmosphere, solid production values and a stellar performance from veteran character actor, Richard Lawson. Definitely worth a look.” – Letterboxed
