Man on the Moon1999

Genre: Comedy ,  Drama
Duration: 114
Country: USA/UK/Germany


Milos Forman


Jim Carrey (Andy Kaufman)
Danny DeVito (George Shapiro)
Gerry Becker (Stanley Kaufman - Andy's Father)
Greyson Erik Pendry (Little Michael Kaufman)
Brittany Colonna (Baby Carol Kaufman)
Leslie Lyles (Janice Kaufman - Andy's Mother)


Jim Carrey stars as the late Andy Kaufman, who was considered one of the most innovative, eccentric and enigmatic performers of his time.
A master at provoking audiences, Kaufman could generate belly laughs, stony silence, tears or brawls. Danny DeVito also stars in Man on the Moon as Kaufman’s manager, George Shapiro, with Courtney Love co-starring as Lynne Margulies, the woman who befriends and eventually falls in love with the comic. Paul Giamatti portrays Kaufman’s best friend an d writer, Bob Zmuda. Well-known Vegas lounge singer Tony Clifton stars as himself.
“Jim Carrey’s performance is an impersonation on the level of genius.” – Entertainment Weekly
“What is most wonderful about Man on the Moon, a very good film, is that it remains true to Kaufman’s stubborn vision.” – Roger Ebert, Chicago Sun-Times
“The main problem with this film though is the running time – it’s too short.” – Dark Horizons
