City Hunter1993

Genre: Action ,  Comedy
Duration: 96
Country: Hong Kong/Japan


Jing Wong


Jackie Chan (Ryu Saeba)
Joey Wang (Kaori Makimura/Carrie)
Kumiko Goto (Shizuko Imamura/Kyoko)
Chingmy Yau (Saeko Nogami/Anna)
Gary Daniels (MacDonald's Main Henchman)
Carol Wan (Saeko's Friend)


It’s up to Jackie to save the day… but can he do it on an empty stomach?
Live-action version of a popular Japanese comic book and animated series, transformed into a vehicle for international action hero Jackie Chan. Ryu Saeba, a womanizing private detective, is hired to find the runaway daughter of a wealthy businessman. Ryu’s pursuit of the girl leads him to a cruise ship. Through coincidence, and a plot device borrowed from Die Hard, the ocean liner is hijacked, leaving Ryu to contend with the hostage takers as well as the elusive daughter. The action is highlighted by a scene in which an onscreen battle between Bruce Lee and Kareem Abdul-Jabar from the film Game of Death plays on a movie screen in the background, while Chan and his opponents mimic the fight in the foreground.
“It just doesn’t get any better than this. Words simply won’t do it justice. You just need to see for yourself ASAP.” – The Video Vacuum
“The movie contains both the coolest and most surreal fight sequences you’re likely to find in a Jackie Chan flick.” –
“Jackie Chan’s most frenetic film!” – BBC
