Broadway’s Finest2012

Genre: Action ,  Comedy
Duration: 85
Country: USA


Stephen Marro


Adam Storke (Lewis)
John Lavelle (Goldstone)
Nick Cornish (Willy)
Larry Pine (A.K. Lipson)
Lauren Hodges (Lauren)
Robert Clohessy (Buckley)


The only thing more dangerous than being a cop is acting like one!

“Broadway’s Finest” is a diverting story about three struggling men who impersonate New York City under cover cops and chase down a notorious drug dealer in order to create their own cutting edge police drama. Desperate for success, they enter the dangerous world of undercover police work to get the authentic material they need to create their show. As the exploits of the ill-prepared detectives get them deeper and deeper into the case, they are driven to extremes. Do these guys really know what they’re playing with? Will they survive the dangers of the street? Things are rarely what they seem in this gritty dramatic comedy.

“See Broadway’s Finest. It’s a riveting film that will leave you on the edge of your seat!” – Bellmore Life

“One has to wonder where a gem of a story idea like that comes from. It’s wide variety of character personalities, but the team hit the mark each time. John Lavelle is superbly cast as the sensible and lovable Goldstone, Nick Cornish is wildly hilarious as Willy, and topping the list, is accomplished actor Adam Storke who is, hands down, the shining star of this film. Marro’s creative writing and directing fuses perfectly with Storke’s candid acting style. The two make a fantastic team.” – Cool Magazine

“Hilarious and warm… an awesome treat.” – Festival Director
