American Rhapsody, An2001

Genre: Drama
Duration: 102
Country: USA/Hungary


Éva Gárdos


Scarlett Johansson (Suzanne - at 15)
Nastassja Kinski (Margit)
Raffaella Bánsági (Suzanne - Infant)
Tony Goldwyn (Peter)
Ágnes Bánfalvy (Helen)
Zoltán Seress (George)


A young Hungarian girl struggles to find her place in the world when she’s reunited with her parents in the USA years after she was left behind during their flight from the communist country in the 1950s.
In 1950, a Hungarian couple, Peter and Margit, are forced to flee from the oppressive communist country for the USA with their eldest daughter Maria, but are forced to leave behind their infant daughter Suzanne who is raised by kindly foster couple. Six years later, Peter and Margit arrange for the American Red Cross to bring Suzanne to their new home in Los Angeles where the perplexed youth is forced to accept her sudden change in home and country which leads to a troubled growing up. At age 15, Suzanne tries to come to terms with her roots and decides to travel back to Budapest, Hungary to find her true identity.
“Made with care and respect, American Rhapsody manages to skirt the edge of excessive sentiment without falling victim to it.” – LA Times
“Gardos has a clear touch with talent, evidenced by a strong turn from Goldwyn as the wise and compassionate Peter and the scene-stealing adorableness of Banlaki as the puzzled yet brave little Suzanne.” – Variety
“Distinguishes itself by its subtlety and good taste. Even if we catch a hint of gypsy music on the soundtrack — or glimpse a disturbing American neighbor lady, Gardos steadfastly guards us from caricature. She wants to keep it real.” – New Times (L.A.)
