Nora Weiss2016-2024

Genre: Crime
Duration: 6x90
Country: Germany


Thomas Berger, Maria von Heland, Gunnar Fuss, Judith Kennel, Esther Bialas


Anna Maria Muehe (Nora Weiss)
Peter Jordan (Jan Geissler)
Jan Krauter (Simon Brandt)
Rainer Bock (Rainer Weiss)
Natalia Rudziewicz (Anna Balodis)
Hannes Hellmann (LKD Bohnisch)


Truth has many faces.

Nora Weiss is a straight-faced special investigator. She sums up her solitary job as finding people, because you never stop looking until each case is solved. This investigator doesn’t shy away from unconventional methods and lives in an elegant Bauhaus-style beach villa in Luebeck-Travemuende, a relaxed Baltic Sea resort. Weiss works with Simon Brandt, a colleague who moved from Dortmund to Luebeck. Over the course of their working relationship, the investigator realizes that Brandt has a gambling addiction. Nora Weiss’ father is a pastor and had helped citizens flee from the GDR.

“An excellent crime thriller.” – Berliner Morgenpost

“Gripping from the very beginning and manages to grab the audience emotionally. And of course there is Anna Maria Muehe, who – as always – plays her Nora Weiss role superbly.” –

“’Nora Weiss’ radiates coolness and empathy at the same time, carried by a completely convincing leading actress.” –
