I Am the Other Woman2006

Genre: Drama
Duration: 101
Country: Germany


Margarethe von Trotta


Katja Riemann (Carolin Winter)
Armin Mueller-Stahl (Karl Winter)
Karin Dor (Frau Winter)
August Diehl (Robert Fabry)
Bernadette Heerwagen (Britta)
Barbara Auer (Fraeulein Schaefer)


A successful engineer recognizes a lawyer at a business meeting as the prostitute he spent the previous night with.

Robert spends the night of his life with a mysterious woman in a Frankfurt hotel. Finding himself alone the next morning except for the red dress she left behind, he makes his way to an appointment at his lawyer’s office only to discover the woman is working there – and acts as if she doesn’t know him. She shyly rebuffs his attempts to flirt with her. When Robert tries to discover what is behind her strange behaviour he has to suffer the indignities and humiliation heaped on him by her dominant father and finally ends up risking his life for a relationship that seems doomed to fail.

With “I Am the Other Woman” acclaimed director Margarethe von Trotta takes the audience into the depths that is the psychological abyss of a seemingly normal upper middle-class family. Split personalities and severe trauma are revealed as the riddle unfolds piece by piece in this tale of taboo-breaking passion, obsession and tragedy. Based on a novel by Peter Märthesheimer, who also wrote scripts for Rainer Maria Fassbinder.

“A suspenseful romantic drama and at the same time a psychological thriller about facades, the abysses of the human soul and the magic of the subconscious. Trotta has created a provocative, multi-layered film. ‘Ich bin die Andere’ is a complex psychodrama worth watching.” – Filmreporter.de

“The individual threads of the story, which initially crisscross, eventually come together to form a colorful, multi-layered work.” – Schnitt.de

“Well worth seeing.” – Kino-Zeit
