Best Things in Life, The2019

Genre: Comedy
Duration: 10x45
Country: Germany


Richard Kropf


Juergen Vogel (Kurt Fankhauser)
Bettina Lamprecht (Sandra Fankhauser)
Sidney Holtfreter (Philipp Fankhauser)
David Grüttner (Theo Fankhauser)
Bianca Nawrath (Luna Fankhauser)
Lea Zoe Voss (Tammy)


Big names on the German screen Juergen Vogel and Bettina Lamprecht are the leads in the modern drama series that tells the story of an ordinary family navigating extraordinary challenges.
This TV drama series tells the story of an ordinary family navigating extraordinary challenges. Full of warmth, charm, pain, humor and passion, it investigates what makes us who we are, explores the issue of identity, and questions personal ambition and our ability to turn our lives around in later years. Kurt and Sandra Fankhauser have been married for almost twenty years and live in Bonn with their three children. Their everyday joys and displeasures are much the same as those of most other German families.
“The young actors in particular are excellently led, with Bianca Nawrath standing out from the cleverly assembled ensemble. Also very likeable are the casual humor.” –
“With ‘The Best Things In Life’ Vox is reviving the genre – the good old family series.” – Spiegel Kultur
“Overall, ‘The Best Things in Life’ has many nice, sentimental and humorous moments to offer.” – TV Wunschliste
